The Galactic Empire has all your favorite villains from the original trilogy of Star Wars films at your disposal. It's a melting pot of "evil" where you'll find Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine, Grand Moff Tarkin, and seemingly endless swarms of disposable TIE Fighters and TIE Interceptors. Alongside the classic villains you'll see Director Krennic with his TIE Strikers and TIE Reapers from Rogue One. Grand Admiral Thrawn has yet to make an appearance in X-Wing – but his beloved TIE Defenders are here alongside the Grand Inquisitor and Agent Kallus from the Rebels cartoon series.
As with the Rebels, the Empire is one of the original factions from the first edition of the game, and Fantasy Flight has used a variety of lesser known TIE models from the Extended Universe (now Legends) or from books and games. The TIE Punisher or TIE Aggressor may not be household names but they are part of the game along with some major Extended Universe characters like Soontir Fel and Maarek Stele.
TIE Fighters are cheap and fast but have no shields; that really characterizes a large part of the imperial faction. This also results in a steeper learning curve for new players: make a mistake flying a B-Wing, leave it in a bad spot on the table, and you'll lose some shields. Make the same mistake with any TIE and you'll lose your ship!
But for the brave and skilled who want to learn how to minimize the risks the Empire takes there are naturally interesting rewards to unlock, in terms of mouths of fire to put on the table. Facing a swarm of TIE Fighters can be like swimming with piranhas. Small, annoying and all in all lethal when there are several of them. The Empire has more than just disposable TIE fighters at their command, however, and they also benefit from some of the best elite starfighter pilots in the galaxy. Darth Vader, Grand Inquisitor, Soontir Fel, Duchess, Whisper - the archetypal “Imperial Aces” have a long and successful history of being just too good and maneuverable to be shot in the first place! The Empire also has access to some more high-tech threats like TIE Defenders, Alpha-Class Starwings, and TIE Phantoms to wield the Empire's iron fist with overwhelming firepower.
There are two major pathways to collect all the might of the Galactic Empire, although in reality one will be faced with a mixture of both depending on your LGS stocks and community at large:
This is suitable for the first time players and focuses on contemporary releases from the start of the second edition.
This is aimed at first edition veterans or players who obtained a large collection of minies with outdated first edition cardboard.
The X-Wing Core Set comes with two TIE Fighters, so it's the obvious place to start your first team and it's just a matter of what to add to complete it. It also has all necessary tools and accessories to play the game: range ruler, maneuver templates, dice (3+3), obstacles and one damage deck.
More importantly, the Core Set is a great way to test the game on a smaller scale!
But keep in mind: it contains the rules for 2.0 (FFG/Legacy) version of the game. If you want an updated Rule Book for 2.5 (AMG) version for this set - we got you covered:
If you are staring the game with a future rebel player, you can throw in another Core Set: now both of you have all necessary tools independently, and you have four TIE Fighters.
Or you can purchase something better, than a second Core Set for yourself...
This Faction Starter Pack contains 4 ships: two TIE Fighters, one TIE Advanced x1 and one TIE Bomber, plus all necessary tools and accessories to play the game: range ruler, maneuver templates, dice (4+4), obstacles and one damage deck.
You already have a Core Set, you can leave all the tools from that box to the rebel player, but now you have a fleet with four TIE Fighters, one TIE Bomber and Darth Vader himself in the TIE Advanced x1!
Do you need a second Starter Pack? Probably not. If you are planning on expanding the variety of the pilots available for these types of ships - there are better ways to spend your money.
The Faction Starter Pack is an AMG product, so it contains two types of ship cards as typical to almost all AMG releases, instead of a single type like in FFG ones:
Ship card (standard for all FFG products) gives you an opportunity to fully customize your ship with the limitation of available slots.
Standard Loadout (SL) includes predetermined upgrades and can't be reconfigured.
The X2PO team strives to incorporate all new AMG products to the 2.0/Legacy system, so expect points for all new releases in a reasonable time frame to balance them properly.
Since SL is a totally different beast compared to the original game system (and somewhat intrinsically imbalanced), we have decided to split this cards in two entities to maximize compatibility and options for the players:
Left Side Legal (LSL): Pilot only part that can be used for standard play and customized with the limitation of available slots. In many cases such pilots have different abilities compared to their ship card versions.
Standard Loadout (SL): The whole card with fixed upgrades - can be used for a Wild Space game mode.
Now back to the buying guide!
So you have tried to play X-wing using the Core Set and got a kick out of it. What ships do you need to add to your two or maybe four TIE Fighters to have a proper sized squad and really go at it? Don't go any further!
Or if you already have a Galactic Empire Squadron Starter Pack you can skip to the next section. But you can always have one more TIE Fighter (to the game limit of eight) or an extra TIE x1 if you are REALLY into collecting. Also there is an example of a great starting squad, so the choice is entirely yours.
The iconic TIE Fighter is for many the definition of Star Wars. The protagonists pilot X-Wing and Millennium Falcon, or the modified freighter Ghost, but TIE Fighters are the ever-present enemy in the shadow of the galaxy. TIE Fighters are deliberately unshielded and minimally weaponized fighters: deploying one is simple, but making it effective is the real challenge. It will take a lot of spatial perception to keep them from becoming floating debris too quickly.
TIE Fighters can be fielded in more or less any number – from a full swarm of 6-8 ships down to a single TIE to “fill the gap” in case of squadron surplus.
You'll already get two in the Core Set or four with another Core Set or Starter Pack, getting a couple of these standalones isn't a bad idea – besides only in the TIE Fighter Expansion Pack will you find their “queen” Howlrunner, among other pilots not included in the Core Set or Starter Pack.
The TIE Advanced x1 is also known as Darth Vader's TIE and a quick look at recent tournament stats will confirm that 90% of the time an Advanced x1 goes into battle is piloted by Darth Vader.
No collection of Imperial Ships is truly complete without the ability to field it. You'll find Darth Vader in many squadrons of Imperial Aces either alongside a mini-swarm, or accompanied by a large base ship like the VT-49 Decimator. In a nutshell, buying at least one is a great idea. The most popular improvements are to equip it Passive Sensors and Afterburners.
This standalone pack also contains ship cards that are not included in the Starter Pack.
The Dark Lord of the Sith is one of the strongest pieces of the Empire and you will find him in many types of squadrons. So it goes without saying that it's an investment that you're going to get a lot of value from. With a mini-swarm, we recommend deploying Howlrunner and his TIEs in a tight formation to benefit from her attacking dice rerolls plus with Swarm Tactics you can boost your window of engagement up to higher initiative to use Hask's or Wampa's extra attack die abillities, while Vader can perform flanking actions to swarm and destroy the enemy from behind.
Some of the ships on this list - you might already have, like TIE Bomber. But you never know when you'll need an extra (almost always if you are building an Empire!), plus we can talk about individual strength and weaknesses of these ships:
Add the staff and graduates of the Empire's most prestigious academy to your Imperial squadrons with the Skystrike Academy Squadron Pack!
This Squadron Pack features talented and loyal pilots such as Vult Skerris and Ciena Ree, with new abilities and upgrades based on their appearances in Star Wars: Rebels and Lost Stars. In addition to these pilots, you'll also find one TIE Defender and two TIE Interceptor with bold alternate color schemes in this expansion. We will talk about each ship later with their standalone boxes.
In this expansion, you'll find 8 different TIE Interceptor and 5 different TIE Defender ship cards, giving you even more pilots to choose from. This box gives you an opportunity to put a twist on default ships abilities with configuration cards and a title. In addition there are 35 upgrade cards to further customize your Galactic Empire squadrons, including content for the Epic game. Darth Vader (in the TIE Defender!), Nash Winderider, Commander Goran, Disciplined cards stand out among other cards in the pack.
TIE Interceptor, when flown well, is the most maneuverable fighter of the Empire, the hardest one for your opponent to get their guns on target and a thing of beauty. It can benefit greatly from high initiative to maximize the game state information when activating and dodge the opponents ships arcs.
This does not imply that it is an easy ship to fly, given its tendency to explode badly if positioned incorrectly... from range 3 behind the rock in one shot. Playing a TIE Interceptor allows almost no margin of error. Once mastered, Soontir Fel will terrorize many opponents, but until then he will often explode like a simple TIE Fighter while costing double the points.
The learning curve will be steep, painful and slippery. You can tone it down a bit by using Stealth Device, Outmaneuver or Daredevil – but it'll still be pretty tough. The end result though is totally worth it!
TIE Defenders - Grand Admiral Thrawn's beloved starfighters - are arguably the best all-around starfighters in the game. TIE Defenders are fast, durable and deadly when going fast and quite devastating with a white Koiogran Turn that allows them to turn around and continue attacking from behind without impediment. The only downside to the TIE Defender is that it costs a lot of points!
Because this ship is fast and durable, TIE Defender is one of the few Imperial ships that is truly beginner friendly.
While the ability to use rockets is seldom seen, the ability to use cannons like the heavy laser cannon or autoblaster against highly defensible targets an interesting option. It's essential improvement is a Fire Control System.
TIE Bomber is the faction's premier munitions carrier. It is a ship that plays relatively straight-forward and is a great to joust your opponents with and watch the fireworks. 6 hull and 2 agility can prevent it from taking some fire, but without shields however it is prone to crits. It is also relatively cheap and can be equipped with bombs, torpedoes or rockets. And did we say bombs? Yes, it can drop bombs sideways.
On the pilot side it has some fantastic LSL and SL options as well as a great munitions enabler with Captain Jonus as a ship card. Other fantastic pilots include Deathfire who can shoot a torpedo, rocket or drop a bomb even if he is destroyed by a higher initiative ship, or Tomax Bren in the SL/LSL version who can get torpedoes off really accurately.
And now you will have two or three, if you have a Starter Pack.
TIE Striker is an atmospheric fighter you saw in Rogue One. In X-Wing it has a fantastic ability (exclusive to them and to the TIE Reaper that we will see later) that allows them to make an additional movement before revealing the maneuver you have programmed on the indicator. This makes them extremely fast and unpredictable for opponents.
However, they remain "glass cannons", as they too are not equipped with shields. The elite pilots are not bad, especially Duchess. There is a way to reduce the TIE Striker's fragility: equip the Fifth Brother gunner to increase its resistance through the power of the Force. This implies the purchase of a VT-49 Decimator but well... that's a great ship too - we'll get to it in the next section!
If you want to play multiple Strikers, we highly recommend adding Commander Gorran to the squad, whom you can find in the Skystrike Academy Squadron Pack.
The Inquisitor's TIE or TIE Advanced v1 is a technologically advanced fighter favored by the Imperial Inquisition. It was mainly seen in the Rebels cartoon series.
It is a great tool for all those who are looking for a very maneuverable, close quarters, very defensible knife-fighter for the Galactic Empire. Essentially it trades some of the TIE Interceptor maneuverability and fire-power for increased defense and resilience.
Grand Inquisitor is one of the strongest and most resistant to elimination aces. This ship is also the best proton rocket carrier of the Empire, quite similar to a Rebel A-Wing. Generic Inquisitor pilots are quite threatening when armed with missiles, and their ability to use the force puts them on par with the exceptional Jedi Knights in Aethersprites of the Galactic Republic. When deployed in massive numbers, generic pilots try not to leave home without Disciplined or secondary armaments.
TIE Heavy is known for its appearance in a short pursuit of a certain smuggler in a movie standalone movie about said smuggler. It is also the Empire´s main cannon carrier having an ability to equip every cannon in the game thanks to 2 cannon slots. It can also fire forwards and backwards with its swivel mounted cannon.
The pilot is assisted by a droid intelligence system that you can configure to either help its maneuverability or assist with your targets.
TIE Heavy pilots are either focused on increasing their own damage output or specialize in helping out nearby ships to deliver their firepower more accurately.
As a practical case you will almost never need more than one in your fleet.
The VT-49 Decimator is one of the Imperial faction's few large-based ships and the closest thing to a "Millennium Falcon". While it looks similar, it's actually played very differently. While the Millennium Falcon is a ship that loves to scamper around the table and play long games of attrition, the Decimator has 0 Agility (so it doesn't roll green dice in most cases) and lacks repair skills - it's only hope is to bring with him as many enemies as possible before being shot down!
The ship has its own operating logic, completely opposite to any other Imperial ship: this obviously has both positive and negative sides. The Decimator is a great breath of fresh air when playing swarms gets boring; in addition, the pack contains some of the best Crew and Gunner options in the Empire.
Its purchase will be very important in case you want to make the most of other ships such as the Shuttle Lambda, the TIE Reaper or the Whisper and Duchess axes by using the improvements inside. Among the most interesting cards to equip on the Decimator you will find Moff Jerjerrod, Minister Tua and the very useful Proton Bombs.
Do you need two of them? Probably not. But there are rumors of people flying two of them in the list to their great enjoyment...
Featured in Clone Wars, Rebels and Mandalorian - Gauntlet is a great support ship that is also relatively maneuverable and can pack a punch.
Its support abilities come mostly from the crew. By itself, this ship can rotate literally on the spot. This allows it to keep itself reorienting to wherever the fight happens and keep the guns on the target. In this role, Captain Hark shines the brightest as he is allowed to perform a sideslip maneuver when rotating.
All in all, this ship can fulfill many roles in your squad and take a beating but at a higher price compared to other transport ships.
Lastly, being a Mandalorian craft with the unique drop-seat bay, you can send out the famous Mandalorian Commandos with their iconic jetpacks from each side of the ship into the fight.
TIE Reaper is a medium base ship, but a very speedy ship. Some say it's too speedy.
What makes the TIE Reaper special is the ability to perform a 1 straight or bank maneuver before executing the maneuver set in the dial. This allows this transport to zip across the battlefield and deliver its firepower and support abilities wherever needed. If well flown the TIE Reaper survives not by absorbing shots but by outmaneuvering, blocking and generally getting in unexpected places.
With all that comes a downside though. The TIE Reaper must execute the maneuver unless stressed. This means it can if not flown well, be quite unwieldy and its greatest feature turn into a significant issue.
The pilots support a wide range of playstyles from the defensive Feroph to offensive Vermeil, or even supportive Vizier.
In this pack came just before second edition, so don't let its look deceive - inside you will find first and second edition components that are exclusive to this box and were not covered by the Conversion Kit.
These packs do not contain any ship minis, but what they have is cardboard in abundance to further expand your fleet: new pilots, new upgrades, game tokens that you might not have: like bombs or new obstacles. The rule of thumb is to check for which ships are you getting the pilots and upgrades before getting one.
This expansion gives new pilots and upgrades for multiple factions. The Empire gets only 3 new pilots:
Plus you are getting some upgrades that were missing in Empire's black boxes but were in other factions.
It's a good pack to buy with friends, because you can split pilots by factions without any fuss.
Another pack, somewhat like a previous one, but only with new pilots. This time Empire gets 5 new pilots:
It’s also worth noting these Hotshots and Aces have some odd printing choices with different faction pilots being on opposite sides of the same token. So splitting it with friends from other factions might not be possible.
Also there are no SL cards, only ship cards, while being an AMG product.
A thematic pack dedicated to the Mandalorians provides pilots, upgrades and even new obstacles for multiple factions.
For the Empire it brings Moff Gideon and a pair of ISB Jingoists as pilots for TIE Fighter, also a couple of interesting upgrades.
This is another pack you can split among friends from other factions.
You've read it right - you are getting obstacles, all of them! Well not all, excluding particular Gas Clouds from the Guardians of the Republic Squadron Pack, Asteroids and Debris from Pride of Mandalore Reinforcements Pack. But that's a lot of obstacles plus some upgrades.
Great little pack! It contains cards with special setups for you game to spice things up.
Like a pack with obstacles, but instead - a bunch of mines and bombs: tokens and upgrade cards all in one package!
Another great little pack! It also contains cards with special setups for you game to spice things up.
Battle Of Yavin Scenario Pack is ultimately a scenario cardboard pack designed around the Trench Run. The pilots in this are represented only in SL cards, but you are getting different version of Darth Vader in TIE Advanced x1, 4 for TIE Fighter and 5 for TIE Interceptor. All the TIE Fighter and Interceptors have 4 hull which makes them less prone to be one-shoot, plus some really strong abilities - Dark Curse, we are looking at you!
SL can be used as LSL in a standard game. For the scenario you also need to already have quite a big collection to use it as it was designed.
While we are on the topic of the Trench Run, you can try out an unofficial community version that lets you use any squads you want (thematic or not) and tries to capture the cinematic rush without a meter long cardboard puzzle:
Battle Over Endor is a scenario cardboard pack designed around the battle over the Forest Moon form Episode VI. This time your target is to defend not the Death Star, II but a simulacrum of a Star Destroyer.
The pilots in this are represented only in SL cards, but you are getting different version of Soontir, also many high initiative pilots plus a bunch of TIE Defender pilots.
SL can be used as LSL in a standard game. For the scenario you also need to already have quite a big collection to use it as it was designed.
As Emperor Palpatine once said: " The Conversion Kit is a pathway to many minis some consider to be unnatural. " - or something like that along the lines. It is true to this day: there some first edition ships that never did get a Black Box reprint, and some might never get one ever. And the only way to field them is to have those first edition ships and this heavy box.
We will talk about the exact contents and possibilities of the Galactic Empire Conversion Kit in the second section of the guide. For now let's see what awesome ships you can bring back from oblivion!
Lambda shuttle could easily pass for an Imperial limousine, but don't be fooled: it's durable, has good weapons, can coordinate nearby ships into taking further actions, and in the transition to 2nd edition it got a fantastic back arc, which is very useful for offsetting the maneuver gauge a bit 'tied up'.
Furthermore, the skills of pilots such as Colonel Jendon and Lieutenant Sai are the icing on the cake, in addition to very useful Crews such as Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine.
Its weakness is low mobility, which requires some training beforehand to make sure the Lambda is in the right place at the right time when the fireworks start going off…
TIE Phantom is equipped with a powerful cloaking device that makes him a unique and powerful threat. Cloak and de-cloak actions each turn are a combination of extra defense and tactical maneuvers!
The Phantom certainly has its best pilot in Whisper, but you will see that all the other pilots are definitely no less. They have a Gunner slot so you can take Fifth Brother and add force abilities to their already powerful arsenal? Yes exactly. They are VERY strong.
Star Wings feature a powerful SLAM action that lets it hurtle around the table at breakneck speed (executing two maneuvers per activation). Nickname the "Gunboat" fully reflects their reliance on torpedoes and missiles to deal damage. With proper movement planning, this ship can be very effective, but it will take a lot, a lot of practice to become effective.
Also, these ships can be quite expensive on the secondary market!
(Note, that there is a Black box release rumored to be on horizon as of time of writing this).
TIE Punisher is like a TIE Bomber on steroids: bigger, meaner, and with more room for nasty weapons. It also costs a ton of points more, but Deathrain and Redline are pilots that have proven capable of dealing massive damage to anyone foolish enough to engage them head-on. The Punisher isn't a "surgical" vessel, but it does exactly what its name suggests.
TIE Aggressor is the only Imperial ship that can be equipped with a Turret, but other than that it's the sad version of the TIE Bomber: worse maneuver indicator, fewer hulls, cost in points disproportionate to effectiveness.
For now, it's a purchase that you can save yourself without problems... or you buy a bunch of them (5-6) and play them together with Admiral Sloane, turning them into WAR MACHINES.
There are places on the internet where you can buy single conversions for specific ships. These are essentially split-apart Conversion Kits. It's a good way to purchase a couple of specific cardboards, but if you have more than 5 ships to convert, it is always more prudent to buy the whole Kit!
So you have reached the end of the Black Box guide wondering, what else it there beyond your magnificent collection of ships and starfighters?
Two answers:
This expansion introduces a totally new way to play X-Wing, inviting 2 to 8 players to engage in epic multiplayer battles as they command massive fleets in large-scale games that evoke iconic Star Wars scenes.
It features 11 scenarios ranging from Free For All Deathmatch where each player controls only one ship to an Epic Battle where players fly coordinated wings of starfighters supporting huge ships. From desperate defensive actions to daring assaults on enemy fortifications, each scenario creates an exciting narrative.
Within this expansion, you'll find five wing tools that ease and speed up the game letting you fly your fighters in wings and not separately.
Within the Huge Ship Conversion Kit, X-Wing players will find all the components they need to upgrade their first edition huge ships: CR-90, C-ROC, Gozanti, GR-75 and Raider - to the second edition with unique mechanics and upgrades. These ships are not suitable for Standard play, there is a special Epic mode for them that intertwines with Epic Battles Multiplayer Expansion.
The Empire gets Raider-class corvette (huge ship killer) and Gozanti-class cruiser (support or battery platform).
Needless to say that you need to have actual ships to use this Kit. But just look at these beauties below!
Raider comes with an additional TIE Advanced-x1 model. Huge ship components from 1.0 are not used in epic 2.0, including the bases and pegs, but you can use those bases and pegs for any large ship in your collection.
Gozanti comes with two additional TIE Fighter. Huge ship components from 1.0 are not used in epic 2.0, including the bases and pegs, but you can use those bases and pegs for any large ship in your collection.
You have reached the end of the Black Box guide to the Galactic Empire.
We hope it will guide you on the path of bringing order to the Galaxy!
The next guide, as we've said before, is aimed at first edition veterans or players who obtained a large collection of minis with outdated first edition cardboard:
Galactic Empire Conversion Kit is a grail of second edition cardboard designed specifically for this occasion.
It has components to make this list of ships fully operational again:
Plus it has a ton of upgrades and tokens. If you got a REALLY HUGE collection and want to field specific ships to their squad limits, you might need a pair of these boxes, but for starters one will suffice.
If you need a general rundown on what these ships are - check out our Black Box Guide! We have covered that information starting from this section.
What this pack does not have are basic tools and components you will find in the Core Set or a faction Starter Pack. You will need a range ruler, maneuver templates, dice, obstacles and one damage deck to play. Range ruler didn't change from the first edition, so it might be out there in the pile, along with dice and obstacles. Maneuver templates got a central notch, so it'll be great to get new ones and the damage deck is completely new. If you want, you can grab a Core Set or a Starter Pack, there will be additional pilots not covered by the Kit as a bonus (and more minis).
There is also an alternative:
This pack contains plastic maneuver templates and a range ruler with segments to make your measurements quick and precise. You can paint, just don't forget to varnish it after!
Dice Pack contains three red attack dice and three green defense dice, identical to the dice included in the Core Set.
This deck contains a complete set of damage cards that correspond to those in the standard damage deck. The text on the cards is the same as that of the standard Damage cards, only the card graphics are different.
The Conversion Kit is a powerful box, but to have all the content for you faction you still need a help of Black boxes to make your collection complete. Here some of those boxes, some will contain only carboard, some come with new minies and some with those you might already have, but in new paint jobs:
This expansion gives new pilots and upgrades multiple factions. The Empire gets only 3 new pilots:
Plus you are getting some upgrades that were missing in Empire's Conversion Kit but were in other factions.
It's a good pack to buy with friends, because you can split pilots by factions without any fuss.
Another pack, somewhat like a previous one, but only with new pilots. This time Empire gets 5 new pilots:
It’s also worth noting these Hotshots and Aces have some odd printing choices with different faction pilots being on opposite sides of the same token. So splitting it with friends from other factions might not be possible.
A thematic pack dedicated to the Mandalorians provides pilots, upgrades and new obstacles for multiple factions.
For the Empire it brings Moff Gideon and a pair of ISB Jingoists as pilots for TIE Fighter, also a couple of interesting upgrades.
This is another pack you can split among friends from other factions.
You might have TIE Interceptors and TIE Defenders already, but not in these colors and more importantly not with included pilots and upgrades!
In this expansion, you'll find 8 different TIE Interceptor and 5 different TIE Defender ship cards and 35 upgrade cards to further customize your Galactic Empire squadrons, including content for the Epic game. Darth Vader (in the TIE Defender!), Nash Winderider, Commander Goran, Disciplined cards stand out among other the cards in the pack.
Featured in Clone Wars, Rebels and Mandalorian - Gauntlet is a great new support ship that is also also relatively maneuverable and can pack a punch.
This ship can rotate literary on the spot. This allows it to keep itself reorienting to wherever the fight happens and keep the guns on the target.
This pack came just before second edition, so if you don't have it, the Conversion Kit won't help you.
TIE Reaper is a medium base ship, but a very speedy ship. Some say it's too speedy.
The pilots support a wide range of playstyles from the defensive Feroph to offensive Vermeil, or even supportive Vizier.
TIE Heavy is known for its appearance in a short pursuit of a certain smuggler in a movie standalone movie about said smuggler. It is also the Empire´s main cannon carrier having an ability to equip every cannon in the game thanks to 2 cannon slots. It can also fire forwards and backwards with its swivel mounted cannon.
The pilot is assisted by a droid intelligence system that you can configure to either help its maneuverability or assist with your targets.
TIE Heavy pilots are either focused on increasing their own damage output or specialize in helping out nearby ships to deliver their firepower more accurately.
As a practical case you will almost never need more than one in your fleet.
If you are missing some of your obstacles from the pile - now you are getting obstacles, all of them! Well not all, excluding particular Gas Clouds from the Guardians of the Republic Squadron Pack, Asteroids and Debris from Pride of Mandalore Reinforcements Pack. But that's a lot of obstacles plus some upgrades.
Great little pack! It contains cards with special setups for you game to spice things up.
Like a pack with obstacles, but instead - a bunch of mines and bombs: tokens and upgrade cards all in one package, if you are missing all or some!
Another great little pack! It also contains cards with special setups for you game to spice things up.
Battle Of Yavin Scenario Pack is ultimately a scenario cardboard pack designed around the Trench Run. The pilots in this are represented only in SL cards, but you are getting different version of Darth Vader in TIE Advanced x1, 4 for TIE Fighter and 5 for TIE Interceptor. All the TIE Fighter and Interceptors have 4 hull which makes them less prone to be one-shoot, plus some really strong abilities - Dark Curse, we are looking at you!
SL can be used as LSL in a standard game. For the scenario you also need to already have quite a big collection to use it as it was designed.
While we are on the topic of the Trench Run, you can try out an unofficial community version that lets you use any squads you want (thematic or not) and tries to capture the cinematic rush without a meter long cardboard puzzle:
Battle Over Endor is a scenario cardboard pack designed around the battle over the Forest Moon form Episode VI. This time your target is to defend not the Death Star II, but a simulacrum of a Star Destroyer.
The pilots in this are represented only in SL cards, but you are getting different version of Soontir, also many high initiative pilots plus a bunch of TIE Defender pilots.
SL can be used as LSL in a standard game. For the scenario you also need to already have quite a big collection to use it as it was designed.
If you suddenly find a Huge ship in your pile and start wondering: what to do with it? - we have covered this particular question in the EPIC section.
Otherwise this guide is over.
Now go out there and have some fun playing X-Wing!
Copyright © 2025 X2PO - All Rights Reserved. Star Wars: X-Wing Second Edition is the property of Atomic Mass Games and Star Wars is the property of Lucasfilm Ltd.
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